Thursday, 23 July 2009

*signifying disapproval through groans, sighs and rolling eyes.*


The jobcentre are official incompetant retards.

Brief background of the situation. I'm on income support. (Not through choice might I add. joy. *rolls eyes*) Beginning of May I started as a paid advisor 4 hours a week... here's the retardedness timeline..

6th May - Call jobcentre to inform them I'd started work so they could amend by benefit. Told to call back when I'd been paid.
20th May - Call back, having been paid. Told to send in wage slip.
Few days later - Send in wage slip with a cover letter as it had an error on it.
Beginning June - Jobcentre send back wage slip as the NI number is wrong. I call them. They tell me to send it back with a note on it.
Next day - Sent it back, with cover letter still attached and added note with correct NI number on it.
Middle June - Jobcentre use the wrong figure to calculate my benefit, claiming I earn double what I do, and slash my benefit from £64 a week, to a fiver. Call Jobcentre and complain, told they don't bother reading letters and it's my problem, and to send in another payslip.
20th(ish) June - Send in ANOTHER payslip, with correct details on it and with a cover letter telling them I was now recieveing child maintenance.
Middle July - Still not heard anything, and still struggling £5 a week. Call them to be told it was 'sorted' and that my payments were going back up to £45 a week and I was going to get a cheque for £150 backpayment.
Few days later - recieve cheque and new award letter. Child maintenance not included.
Today - Letter from jobcentre, ''I am writing to tell you that your recent change in circumstances does not affect the amount we pay you''.

FFS. I KNOW it does. The first £20 a week of child maintenance is ignored but the rest comes off your benefit. and I'm getting £173 a month. Can they not add up??? FFS! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

*bangs her head up a wall*

Can't wait til I'm off benefits for good. This is driving me mad.

and if they think they're going to try and reclaim this overpayment because of their incompentance they've got another thing coming. Can't they do basic things like read or add up???


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