...that all men are created equal.."
Uh, no. Sorry Mr Jefferson. While you may have been well intentioned when you decided to include that little ditty in the Declaration of Independence. You are, in fact, wrong. I'm making the general assumption here that by referring to 'men', he was in fact referring to man as in the human race, rather than men. For all we know Mr Jefferson could've been a sexist bigot, but hey, who are we to judge colonial America.. I'm sure they MEANT well when they stole all the Native Americans' land for their own and burned thousands of women in the Salem Witch Trials.. but hey... let's not digress.
My point is simple. We are not equal. Whilst we may all share the same basic genetic structure and we are all of course the same species (although even that is debatable considering SOME of the 'specimens' of the human race I've had the misfortune of knowing..) we are in no way equal. All people are humans. That is where the similarity stops. While the media may enjoy force feeding us the whole crock of crap that is women are now equal to men and all that bullshit, the realism of it is in fact, rubbish. Women still earn less on average than their male counterparts, and men still see women as the 'good little wifeys' as characterised by the 1950's etc. Women cook, women clean, we pop out the next generation of their super egotiscial empire, but we can't be smarter, or more successful, or wealthier, or happier, or more talented, etc etc etc, than men.
But it doesn't end there. Sex, religion, race, age, intelligence, personality, humour, dress sense, complete and utter mental retardation.. we are not equal.
A little exercise for you, simply to prove my point.
Think of someone you know. Now, name 5 things that they share the exact same characteristic as you. For example, income, job, family circumstances, intelligence, qualifications.. just to give you some ideas. Can you? No. Exactly.
Fundamentally to all be equal, we would all have to be the same. We're not, and we never will be, and therefore we will never be equal.
Ok, so admittedly maybe this is a small rant, and the trigger of this rant was something that happened to me the other day. I was basically the victim of ageism/sexism at work. I saw a client, and was basically told that I couldn't know anything because I was young, and therefore he didn't believe me. Fair enough. I also picked up on him feeling threatened by the fact a (young) woman knew more than him.
Now, I'm not petty. But I have to admit, that if I ever come across anything like this, it's always men feeling inferior or threatened. Maybe our old traditions from past generations are struggling to be killed off, who knows, but it sucks to be on the receiving end of it.
I think it's just a male ego thing.
And yes, I am being slightly (if tongue in cheek) sexist here. Where men and women are concerned we are definitely not equals. I doubt sometimes we are even the same species. The men are from Mars women are from Venus stuff? Bullcrap. That would mean that mean have some kind of similar link, if on a very rudimentary level. Martians and Venusians (I have NO idea if that's what we would be called..) would mean that we are both species of alien. And therefore would be linked, in the being an alien aspect.
I seriously doubt we are that closely linked. I believe that it is more something like... women are oxygen (Essential for all of life, provider of sustenance and energy, and also potential of great destruction if combined with the right elements.) and men are like..... toenail clippings. ie useless and hurt if you come across them on accident. THAT is more like how Men and Women are related. ie WE'RE NOT. Men are just an entity unto themselves (Pretty sure they say the same about us too.. but we know the truth... they don't. The 'tards.). They're a weird breed. Painfully simple, and yet impossible to figure out. Like... painting by numbers, but you have to mix all the colours yourself, you're missing the colours black and white, and your paintbrush is, infact, a chicken nugget.
I've given up trying to understand them. As soon as I think I've figured them out, they change. Like if you finally figure out how to play basketball, but then the court changes to an ice hockey rink. It's impossible.
So ladies, I have one piece of advice for you.
Accept the fact that we'll never understand how they work, but also gloat in the knowledge that we will always, always, be the superior race. ;)
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As I’ve mentioned here before, I’m currently involved with some ongoing
research regarding ‘hyperlocal’ sites (due to me running this one), and I
11 years ago
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